30 Aug – 1 Sept 2024. Moseley Park, Birmingham.


Friday , Saturday , Sunday

Making a welcome return to Moseley Folk & Arts Festival this year are Pop-Up Puppet Cinema!

Taking the traditional Punch and Judy stand and giving it a Hollywood twist, Pop-Up Puppet Cinema performs condensed puppet parodies of popular movies.

And this year they’ll be bringing not 1, not 2, but 3 ‘movies’ in glorious puppet vision!

In Back to the Future Marty travels back in time to 1955, inadvertently messing up the time line in the process. Can Doc and Marty reunite his parents, can Marty save Doc’s life in the present, can they generate the 1.21 GIGAWATTS! needed to get him home…

Next up is a certain Dr Jones, travelling the globe, dodging traps in the deepest darkest Peru, brawling with baddies in Nepal and searching for the lost Ark of the Covenant under the blistering sun in Egypt. So join Indy, Salah, Marion as well as the evil Toht and Indy’s nemesis Belloq in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

And last but not least something evil stalks the teens of Springfield, not in the woods, not in the shadows but in their very dreams… 1,2 Freddies coming for you… in a Nightmare On Elm Street.

So grab your popcorn and wait for the lights to dim as the movies are brought to you in puppet form with Pop-Up Puppet Cinema

SUITABILITY: Our shows are parodies of popular movies aimed at those who grew up with them. Lots of families and children have enjoyed the show, and while there is no overt swearing there are jokes that are aimed at adults but should go over children’s heads. Please note as silly as it is Nightmare on Elm Street is based on a horror film and several puppets get bumped off! (spoilers they come back at the end).

“Crowd pleasing, slick, and above all extremely funny” – Starburst Film Festival

“Truly original and utterly hilarious!” – RAD screenings

“Very funny and inventive!” – Dirk Maggs